Cultural Geography

Ahmed Radi, Faculty of Letters, Kaddi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco

Note 1 in the author's "'Visual Representation' and 'Cultural Geography': Constructing Linkages -- a Reading of Fatima Quazzani's At My Mother's House"

In this context, cultural geography, as it tries to break away from the formal and objective limitations of physical geography, explores not merely spaces, but also the way these places trigger memories, create feelings, and stimulate the imaginary. Places become the locus of various emotional, symbolic and cultural processes which are occluded in scientific geography. Ouazzani explores these processes by relating images of places and those of people via the choice of autobiography, a practice that reveals not only individual selves but also collective cultural entities.

Postcolonial OV Morocco Visual Arts gender matters

Last modified: 31 May 2001.