Deceitful Water

Ahmed Radi

In an ironic twist of fate
During a summer of drought
Innocent young people drown
While camping in an Eden-like pastoral space.

Stones, rocks and water,
In an apocalyptic sight,
Took away lovely dreams.
A lightning storm,
Flash flood,
And torrents
Caused an abyss that
Swallowed bodies and souls.

One thinks that disasters
Happen on TV screens, in distant places,
But never on this scale,
Close to home, in a peaceful resort.

Cards without identities
are left scattered in the mud,
Half a picture,
Anonymous words and objects
In search of their owners.
Families are left in desolation, in need of any ritual
To appease unfathomed pain.

Postcolonial OV Morocco Literature A. Radi

Last modified: 31 May 2001