"Escapes" and Displacements: Notes on Frantz Fanon's Oppositional Discourse

Part One: Escapes and Displacements

Alejandro De Oto, El Colegio De México, CEAA

2 I refer here to Black Skin, white masks, the original French version Peau noir, masques blancs, preface (1952) and epilogue (1965) by Francis Jeanson, Éditions du Seuil, 1965, was consulted

I refer here to Black Skin, White Masks, the original French version Peau noir, masques blancs, preface (1952) and epilogue (1965) by Francis Jeanson, Éditions du Seuil, 1965, was consulted. The title is translated for the readers' convenience. Textual quotations are all my translations.

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