
Statuary above the main entrance to the Sri Ruthra Kaliamman Temple, 100 Depot Road, Singapore

Medha Malik Kudaisya and Chitra Sankaran, Assistant Professors, University Scholars Programme, National University of Singapore

Sri Ruthra Kaliamman Temple

The temple's architecture is based upon the ancient Hindu science of building (vastu). This science was formalized in texts called the Vastushastras, which deal with both sacred and civic buildings. These treatise specify different aspects of building such as the materials to be used in construction, building procedures, direction considered auspicious and the overall layout.

Photograph March 2000 � George P. Landow may be used without written permission for any educational purpose. Any commercial or other use requires prior written permisison from .


Vidya Dehijia, (ed), Devi. The Great Goddess. Female Divinity in South Asian Art. Washington, D.C., Arthur M. Shackler Gallery, 1999.

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Last updated 16 October 2001.